Cyberplus significantly and regularly upgrades your best, built-in, cyber-secure, Quantum Computer – you, the Cyber Executive.
- We develop you, your IT management & department leadership skills and system processes.
- We protect reputations with our unique Cyberplus Systems, not found anywhere else today:
Beyond the technical…
What is the reality today?
Cyberplus combines unique IT security expertise with Chartered Management and national level executive support direct to you. We enhance your organisation’s and your own skills, tools and capability. Let’s talk…
Executive Readiness
Your cyber command moment is coming…
Your systems are good and ready but are you and your team 100% prepared?
Do you want to enhance your own professional leadership and reputation?
By putting your team through the Cyberplus Exec Sim 2.0, our latest executive team crisis simulator you not only learn and improve your readiness but you spot the small gaps and holes that only ‘match practice’ identifies.
- What is your immediate action drill in a cyber crisis?
- What skills & procedures do you have for the non-technical aspects of the crisis?
- Is your team ready for multiple vector attack threats and can they spot the signs?
We train you in world class crisis skills and then put your team through a simulation of major cyber event, with all deducing and learning a huge amount.
We come to you for a day or we do an away day in a secure MoD site.
We need 3-4 months lead time for an agreed date to be booked. Exec Sim 2.0 lasts 3-4 hours minimum, ideally with 1-2 hours training before and a debrief after.
Other systems give you a very basic option, Exec Sim 2.0 gives you all a huge uplift in crisis skills, high pressure leadership and the breadth needed to keep reputations not lose them.
Our clients love the high value our system gives for a low cost. Why spend a lot on the latest golf clubs and accessories but never take a lesson nor go ‘on the driving range’. Practice makes PERFECT. Why risk it otherwise?
Cyber Crisis Management Tools
Patches for Today’s Cyber Managers
Give us the tools and we shall do the job – Winston Churchill
Cyberplus offer a high value set of crisis tools for cyber leaders. Simple, low-cost Cyber CM patches that allow the human in the loop to be as sharp and ready as the IT technology. Can you afford to not have these tools handy when the day comes…?
IT Executive Leadership patches
We ensure you can master the Executive-level Cyber adaptive leadership skills needed to be the true cyber commander…
We offer you a set of easy to learn and simple guides and tips for those in Command on the Cyber Wall. These are self- study packs to enhance your ‘defence plan’ in your own organisation (some enhance upwards, some downwards…).
These can be downloaded and used by you in your own Personal Development Plan (PDP). We can give you a PDP too; all C-Level execs need one to stay sharp…
You can assimilate these in a work hour or after hours.
To stay sharp as a team needs a sharp, adaptive-skilled leader. You can develop these skills using our unique combination of Cyber Defence Leadership tools and your own drive and energy to enhance. These tools allow you to build the reputation and secure it firmly.
We love a high value system at a fair cost. Some tools are for the organisation as a whole, some are for its safe and secure leadership – by YOU.
EL 1.0 Contents
- Symptoms of Stress.
- Identifying the Causes.
- Tools for Cyber Leaders.
- Remedies to De-Stress.
Coming Soon
- Winning a Better IT Budget – EL Patch 2.0
- Cyber Intelligence System Pack – EL Patch 3.0
- Top Grade IT Leadership – EL Patch 4.0
- Influencing the Internal Stakeholders – EL Patch 5.0
- Better Staff Appraisals in IT – EL Patch 6.0
- Managing Internal Staff – EL Patch 7.0
- Managing External IT Staff – EL Patch 8.0
IT Executive Coaching & Cyber Command Skills
Commanding the Battle
Our 2018 client survey told us that many CISO/CIO/CITO feel confident in their technical leadership ability but all were less confident in their adaptive leadership skills (e.g. people, policy, appraisals, budgets & crisis times).
Our Exec Coaching builds your adaptive leadership skills, those elusive ways of leading under pressure. We offer you what C level execs routinely access as they develop their skills: coaching and development, for you and your vital deputies and leadership team.
We keep your costs down by using what we all love – technology. We use VOIP video interviews to give you the flexibility and accessibility for your budget but still deliver the same top level personal C level coaching.
We can schedule the 3 x 30 min personal executive coaching sessions at 1 to 2-week intervals and can accept changes up to the day before. We even offer out of hours options for busy Execs who prefer to do this in a more relaxed environment.
Our Head of Executive Coaching, Chris Parker MBE or one of his selected Adaptive Leader Coaches will conduct the sessions. As a former COO of a $100M international company and $1B project director, Chris knows how he developed into role proving the value of adaptive skills year on year and he and his team share the tips and skills needed to succeed confidently.
These cost 5-10 times less than personal face to face sessions but use top class, industry-leading management coaching. As they are Cyberplus EC patches they are part of your organisation’s full defence suite against the cyber threat.
Please contact us for more details and pricing
Senior & Junior Manager leadership modules
Cyberplus-designed, nationally approved & endorsed, bespoke IT Manager Leadership Certified courses. Contact us to join our growing waiting list here.
We listened to you in our Cyberplus 2018 client survey and so many of you wanted proper adaptive leadership skills to complement the technical leadership skills you have. We acted.